
The ‘Eyes’ Have It: Two Ophthalmological Cases

by George Guess, MD, DABHM Abstract: Two ophthalmologic cases treated homeopathically are presented—iridocyclitis and central serous retinopathy. In each case core mental-emotional characteristics were essential to identification of the indicated homeopathic medicine. The iridocyclitis case responded brilliantly to Calcarea carbonica in ascending potencies, which was prescribed primarily on the basis of causation, namely stress associated [Read more...]

The ‘Eyes’ Have It: Two Ophthalmological Cases2023-07-17T12:54:52-04:00

A Case of Vitritis, Iritis-Panuveitis, and Retinal Hemorrhage

by Ronald D. Whitmont, MD Abstract: A 70-year-old-male with sudden onset of vitritis, iritis-panuveitis and retinal hemorrhage was successfully treated with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna after treatment failed with corticosteroid drops. The condition responded rapidly and permanently with progressive resolution following  administration of a single dose of Belladonna 200c. Homeopathy helps speed resolution of many acute [Read more...]

A Case of Vitritis, Iritis-Panuveitis, and Retinal Hemorrhage2023-04-13T14:14:48-04:00

Three Cases of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

A Homeopathic Medicine Case Series Report by Edward Kondrot, MD Abstract: Conventional, allopathic treatments for age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people over 65 years of age, are fraught with limitations and toxic side effects. Homeopathy, by contrast, offers a safe and effective treatment for this condition. The following [Read more...]

Three Cases of Age-Related Macular Degeneration2023-04-10T13:27:04-04:00

PODOPHYLLUM to the rescue!

Patient is a 67 yo woman with chronic diarrhea since total hysterectomy, chemo and radiation for stage 4 uterine cancer diagnosed in 2001.Diarrhea has progressively worsened (all stool cultures and colonoscopy normal) to the point where she has lost much weight (extremely thin, restricted diet and malabsorption/malnutrition- her total cholesterol was 96!, serum total protein [Read more...]

PODOPHYLLUM to the rescue!2023-03-29T14:28:31-04:00
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