Treating Eye Diseases Homeopathically
The Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York presents
Dr. Ed Kondrot, MD, Ophthalmologist
Originally held on May 13, 2023
Members $50. Non-members $75.
A 3-hour Zoom webinar discussing
- Treating acute eye conditions
- Treating the red eye
- History of Homeopathic Ophthalmology in the US
- Dry Eyes
- Floaters
- Cataracts
- Macular Degeneration
- Glaucoma
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Everyone purchasing access will be given a complimentary copy of Dr. Kondrot’s new book on homeopathic ophthalmology.
Dr. Kondrot has been a board-certified ophthalmologist since 1981 and has practiced classical homeopathic medicine for 30 years. He is board-certified in homeopathic medicine (DABHM, CCH). He is the Director of Healing the Eye and Wellness Centers and he hosted the Healthy Vision Talk Radio show (KFNX) for 22 years. Having presented at several homeopathic and ophthalmologic conferences, he is also the author of five best-selling books about visual and general health. His latest book, “Homeopathic Opththalmology, An Eye Surgeon Discovers A 225 Year Old Secret to Reverse Vision Loss,” will be released this year.
He also published the article “Three Cases Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration” in the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine.