The ‘Eyes’ Have It: Two Ophthalmological Cases
by George Guess, MD, DABHM Abstract: Two ophthalmologic cases treated homeopathically are presented—iridocyclitis and central serous retinopathy. In each case core mental-emotional characteristics were essential to identification of the indicated homeopathic medicine. The iridocyclitis case responded brilliantly to Calcarea carbonica in ascending potencies, which was prescribed primarily on the basis [Read more...]
A Case of Vitritis, Iritis-Panuveitis, and Retinal Hemorrhage
by Ronald D. Whitmont, MD Abstract: A 70-year-old-male with sudden onset of vitritis, iritis-panuveitis and retinal hemorrhage was successfully treated with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna after treatment failed with corticosteroid drops. The condition responded rapidly and permanently with progressive resolution following administration of a single dose of Belladonna 200c. Homeopathy helps [Read more...]
Three Cases of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
A Homeopathic Medicine Case Series Report by Edward Kondrot, MD Abstract: Conventional, allopathic treatments for age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people over 65 years of age, are fraught with limitations and toxic side effects. Homeopathy, by contrast, offers a safe and effective treatment [Read more...]
PODOPHYLLUM to the rescue!
Patient is a 67 yo woman with chronic diarrhea since total hysterectomy, chemo and radiation for stage 4 uterine cancer diagnosed in 2001.Diarrhea has progressively worsened (all stool cultures and colonoscopy normal) to the point where she has lost much weight (extremely thin, restricted diet and malabsorption/malnutrition- her total cholesterol [Read more...]