Become a Member
Please note that the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York (HMSSNY) is not a referral service, and our member listings do not constitute an endorsement of any kind by the HMSSNY. For information on the legal privileges, scope of practice, or the qualifications of any license (or licensee), credential, or certification, please contact the appropriate licensing board or the appropriate professional society. The HMSSNY does not evaluate any licensing board or training programs.
The Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York is one of the oldest medical societies in the country, established in 1862 as a professional organization for M.D.’s and D.O.’s formed for the advancement of homeopathic therapeutics. We have recently extended our membership to include other licensed health care professionals in the State of New York. Membership benefits in our organization include:
- Listing in our online Member/Practitioner Directory.
- Attendance to two annual meetings where business topics and homeopathic education are discussed and cured cases are presented.
- An active email listserve where cases are discussed and questions answered in a collegial environment.
- Discounted admission to HMSSNY-sponsored conferences and/or webinars.
- New members will receive a complimentary printed copy of one of our prestigious journals of the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine.
Membership Categories
If you are interested in joining the society please complete the online membership application.
Visit Membership Payments to make your payment online.